Video Game Tester

Video game testers are people who work for video game companies with the task of thoroughly testing games to make sure they are free of “bugs,” “glitches,” and other problems.

How Much Money Do You Make

According to Payscale, you can make $14.57 a hour. If you were to work 8 hours a day and 5 days a week you would make $582.80 a week which would turn into $2,525 a month and $30,000 a year.

A Intresting Fact

Despite it being about games, it’s an actual profession

Responitbilties as a Game Tester

  • A video game tester is expected to take a wide range of actions in the game to identify any bugs or glitches.
  • They purposefully move through the video game, playing all the levels, going through all the menus, and using all the different characters and options with the goal of uncovering flaws in the system.
  • One of the main tasks of a video game tester is to use the game in as many possible ways as they can possibly conceive, taking actions that few users will ever make.
  • Game testers may also have to run through matrix testings.
  • As a video game tester, you will also have to understand basic troubleshooting.
  • Qualifications

  • Experience with video games
  • Understand basic troubleshooting
  • Game Design degree
  • Computer programming degree
  • Software testing degree